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Original Article

Open Vet J. 2017; 7(3): 221-228

In-vivo fluoroscopic kinematography of dynamic radio-ulnar incongruence in dogs

Thomas Rohwedder, Peter Böttcher.

Cited by 20 Articles

Aim of the study was to investigate dynamic radio-ulnar incongruence (dRUI) in the canine elbow joint comparing sound and dysplastic dogs in a prospective in-vivo study design. In 6 sound elbow joints (5 dogs, median age 17 months & mean body weight 27.9 kg) and 7 elbow joints with medial coronoid disease (6 dogs, median age 17.5 months & mean body weight 27.6 kg) 0.8 mm Ø tantalum beads were surgically implanted into radius, ulna and humerus for dynamic radiosteriometric analysis (RSA) using high-speed biplanar fluoroscopy with the dogs walking on a treadmill. dRUI, in the form of proximo-distal translation of the radius relative to the ulna, was measured for the first third of stance phase and compared between groups using unpaired t-testing. Sound elbow joints exhibited a relative radio-ulnar translation of 0.7 mm (SD 0.31 mm), while dysplastic joints showed a translation of 0.5 mm (SD 0.30 mm). No significant difference between groups was detected (p = 0.2092, confidence interval -0.6 – 0.2). Based on these findings dRUI is present in every canine elbow joint, as part of the physiological kinematic pattern. However, dysplastic elbow joints do not show an increased radio-ulnar translation, and therfore dRUI cannot be considered causative for medial coronoid disease. Compensation of static RUI or induction of dynamic RUI in statically congruent joints during stace phase appairs to be unlikely, too.

Key words: canine, elbow dysplasia, radio-ulnar incongruence, gait analysis, fluoroscopy

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