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Case Report

An uncommon Elizabethkingia meningoseptica septicemia in hemorrhagic stroke with septic shock patient during prolonged neuro intensive care management

Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan, Ramissh Paramasivam, Regunath Kandasamy, Mohamad Hasyizan Hassan, Rhendra Hardy Mohd Zaini.


Elizabethkingia meningoseptica septicemia is an uncommon nosocomial infection but has gradually emerged as the potential threat in intensive care setting. This organism is a multi-drug resistant, non-fermentative gram negative bacillus that is equipped with the ability to adapt to a spectrum of different environmental conditions. We report our first experience of managing E. meningoseptica septicemia in our ventilated hemorrhagic stroke patient with septic shock during prolonged neuro intensive care management. The aims of this report are to highlight the update of this uncommon infection on incidence, risk factors, strategy of management and mortality related to it.

Key words: Elizabethkingia meningoseptica; Septicemia; Intensive care; Multi-drug resistant

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