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The views of nurses working at palliative care centers about palliative care and the influence of education on their knowledge level

Metin Dincer, Nazan Torun.


This study is conducted as a qualitative research in order to determine the effect of education on knowledge level and attitudes of nurses about palliative care (PC). 42 nurses participated in this work voluntarily. Open-ended questions are used in order to measure the knowledge level and attitudes of the nurses about the palliative care. 10 open-ended questions are asked to participants before training (both theoretical and practical training), and 12 open-ended questions are asked after training. The obtained data are subjected to thematic analysis. 6 main themes are found out as a result of the study: “The Meaning of Palliative", "Improving the Quality of Life", "A Great Part of Care: Patient’s Family/Relatives", "Incompletenesses", "Communication and Colloboration" and "Difficulties". Before and after the training, differences are seen in the knowledge level and attitudes of the participants in palliative care, in the sub-categories of the meaning of the palliative care and in improving the quality of life and in the category of ethical dilemmas. As a result, it is observed that the knowledege level of the nurses working in the palliative care centers (PCCs) has improved and developed after the training program. Palliative care has an important place in maintaining the integration of palliative care to health care services.

Key words: Palliative care, knowledge, attitude, perception, education, nurse

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