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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(10): 111-117

Anthelmintic potential and in vivo acute toxicity study of Piptadenia gonoachanta leaf aqueous extract

Mariana Costa Fausto, Idelvânia dos Anjos Nonato, Guilherme Costa Fausto, Rogério Pinto, Fabrício Luciani Valente, Lorendane Millena de Carvalho, Artur Kanadani Campus, Marcelo Barcellos da Rosa, Jackson Vitor de Araújo, Camilo Amaro de Carvalho.


Piptadenia gonoacantha is an arboreal species found in southern and southeastern Brazil. Several compounds have been identified in their leaves, such as anthraquinones, phenolics, tannins, saponins, coumarins and flavonoids. The presence of these metabolites is associated with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anthelmintic properties. This study evaluated the phytochemical profile of P. gonoacantha leaf aqueous extract, the extract anthelmintic activity in vitro and its in vivo toxicity. The extracts were distinctly evaluated by extraction method: maceration (EAM), ultrasonication (EAU) and lyophilization (EAL). Anthelmintic activity analysis was carried out for all preparations at 25, 50 and 100 mg.mL-1 against Panagrellus sp. in an in vitro assay. In vivo toxicity was assessed by biochemical, hematological and histological evaluation of Balb/C mice treated orally with EAU (100, 200 and 400 mg.Kg-1) for 10 consecutive days. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins, glycosides, phenolic compounds and anthraquinone. Anthelmintic potential showed significant results for all concentrations and preparations. EAU has proved to be safe for in vivo use because it showed low toxicity, enabling it to future pre-clinical and clinical studies.

Key words: Keywords: Analgesic; Herbal Medicine; Inflammation; Leguminoseae.

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