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Analysis of the development of Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis in children

Galymzhan Bauyrzhanovich Burayev, Vassiliy Mikhaylovich Lozovoy, Arturos Bronislavovich Kilda, Roza Agabekovna Karabekova, Elena Anatoliyevna Lozovaya, Medet Kurshirbayevich Khamitov, Kamshat Bauyrzhanovna Burayeva.

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Background: Hirschsprung disease (HD) - severe congenital anomaly of the colon, characterized by the violation of the innervation of the fragment, and even the entire department of the large intestine, is one of the leading places in the structure of the digestive tract pathology in children.

Aims and Objectives: The research purpose is to carry out the retrospective analysis of the development of Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis in children (HAEC).

Materials and Methods: Despite the many different methods of surgical treatment and a significant improvement of results of surgical interventions, the rate of complications based on as large specialized hospitals and clinics with experience treating children with the HD, ranging from 22.7% to 38.5%.

Results: Routinely in hospital hospitalized 140 patients, urgently - 22 children. HAEC symptoms occurred in 35 patients. The prevailing symptoms which were available for all 100% of patients were the unstable chair and meteorism; abdominal pains are slightly less often noted.

Conclusion: The abdominal distention and unstable stool with a sequence of liquid stool with astrictions are the main symptoms of development of HAEC which are noted at all patients with this nosology.

Key words: Hirschsprung Disease; Hirschsprung-associated Enterocolitis; Retrospective Analysis; Pediatric Surgery

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