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SETB. 2017; 51(4): 303-8

Prevalence of muscular and tendinous variations of flexor digitorum superficialis and absence of palmaris longus muscle in Turkey: a population study

Fatih Irmak, Aysin Karasoy Yesilada, Selami Serhat Sirvan, Kamuran Zeynep Sevim.


Objective: Studies in different ethnic groups, showed wide variations in terms of the absence of the palmaris longus tendon. The aim of our study is, to document the percentage of the absence of the palmaris longus muscle and flexor digitorum superficialis muscle variations among the Turkish population.

Material and Method: The study group constituted of adult patients who presented to department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery for various reasons, other than a history of hand trauma and chronic illnesses. A total of 533 patients and their relatives (1066 hands) were included in the study. Among 533 people, the ability of isolated flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint of all fingers (except thumb) and the presence of palmaris longus muscle were investigated with detailed physical examination.

Results: For 533 Turkish individuals (272 men and 261 women), aged between 18 and 66 years old, the overall prevalence of absence of palmaris longus muscle was 21.8% among Turkish population. The overall prevalence of variations of the flexor digitorum superficialis of the fifth digit was 23.7% in the Turkish population.

Conclusions: In operative techniques, where tendon grafting and tendon transfers are utilized, pre-operative consultation of the patient gains importance since the lack of palmaris longus tendon possibility is determined. Variations and deficiency of fifth digits’ flexor digitorum superficialis muscle function can not be proven on clinical examinations, so hand surgeons should be aware about flexor digitorum superficialis muscle variations in preoperative examinations and intraoperative dissections , and try to detect these variations by performing the specific examination tests (independent function, the connection with neighbor digits).

Key words: Absence of palmaris longus tendon, flexor digitorum superficialis muscle variations, Turkish population

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