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Original Article

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(4): 437-442

Health professionals’ exposure to mobbing in a medical school hospital

Sevgi Nehir Turkmen, Cagatay Ustun, Cigdem Ozdemir, Tugba Akyol, Fikret Poyraz Cokmus.

Cited by 6 Articles

Aim: This study was conducted to reveal the perceptions of the residents and nurses working in their workplace.
Materials and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. The study was carried out between October 2014 and
January 2016. The study population consisted of the residents and nurses working in Manisa Celal Bayar University, Hafsa Sultan
Hospital. The study sample included 110 people. The survey was performed using a questionnaire consisting of an Information Form
and the Work Harassment Scale.
Results: The employees’ mean age was 29.92±5.47; 73.6% of them were female and 59.1% married; 46.4% had bachelor’s degree;
61.8% had balanced income and expenses; 32.7% were residents and 60.9% nurses/midwives; and 26.4% were victims of mobbing.
Some 13.6% of those who were subject to mobbing stated that they were exposed to mobbing for 6 to 11 months. Approximately
42.7% of the health professionals stated that they witnessed others being subject to mobbing. Some 24.5% of the health professionals
expressed their need for psychological support.
Conclusion: The study showed that those with high level of education, those in the younger adult group (22-30 years of age) and those
who needed psychological support were at a higher risk of being exposed to mobbing, the difference being statistically significant

Key words: Mobbing; Workplace; Residents; Psychiatry Nurses.

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