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SETB. 2017; 51(4): 293-7

The characteristics of Turkish and refugee neonates and analysis of short-term outcomes

Sahin Hamilcikan, Emrah Can.


Objective: The aim was to the evaluate Turkish and refugee newborns’ characteristics and analyze the results.

Material and Method: All Turkish and refugee neonates born and followed in University of Health Sciences, Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital’s neonatal monitoring unit between November 2015 and October 2016 were included to the study.

Results: A total of 3109 neonates were included in the study. 62.5% (n=1303) of the Turkish newborns and 55% (n=559) of the refugee newborns were female (p=0.0001). Spontaneous vaginal delivery percentage was 58.3% (n=1213) in Turkish newborns and 57.7% (n=591) in refugees (p=0.001). Neonatal intensive care unit admission rates of refugee newborns were found significantly higher (8.8%) than Turkish neonates (p=0.004). There were no significant differences in birth weights, heights, head circumferences, gestational weeks and cord blood gas analysis and critical congenital heart diseases screening results were similar between the groups. Refugee mother’s antenatal follow-up rates (38.4%) were lower than Turkish mothers (73.8%) (p

Key words: Neonatal screening, refugee neonates, Turkish neonates

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