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Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sci.. 2016; 24(1): 47-55

Rapid method for crude oil analysis using FT-IR Spectroscopy



This study compares the viability of the use of FTIR spectroscopy as a substitute to the traditional methods of petroleum geochemical crude oil characterisation. IR spectra of Crude oil sample containing a mixture of both degraded (sample 151) and non-degraded (sample 145) oils at different concentrations were determined. The IR fingerprints agree with results obtained from GC analysis. Partial least square analysis was used to predict 10% and 80% 151 mixtures, and also saturates of five other samples (i.e. 145, 149, 172, H1 and AL10) within acceptable ranges. It therefore follows that although some improvements might still need to be made, FTIR spectroscopy can indeed be a viable

Key words: FTIR-ATR spectroscopy; GC-MS; Partial least squares (PLSR); Rapid analysis.

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