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Review Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(10): 196-199

Role of AMPK and its possible interactions in metformin therapy and physical exercise - Research perspectives

Lucas Eduardo Campos de Oliveira, Luiz Augusto da Silva, Jéssica Wouk, Vinícius Müller Reis Weber, Camila da Luz Eltchechem, Pablo de Almeida, Julio Cesar Lacerda Martins, Flavia Angela Servat Martins, Carlos Ricardo Maneck Malfatti, Raul Osiecki.


Hyperglycemia is a consequence of glucose resistance by the insulin hormone, insufficiency found in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Studies demonstrate expressive and beneficial results of physical exercise associated with metformin in response to the activation of a protein called AMPK, which stimulates The translocation of Glut4 a glucose transporter by which improves the picture of glucose sensitivity by decreasing hyperglycemia. The present review seeks a greater understanding on the effects of physical exercise and Metformin on the AMPK enzyme in the metabolism of glucose in diabetic people.

Key words: AMPK, Diabetes, Physical Exercise.

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