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IJHRS. 2017; 6(1): 17-24

The Effects of Pedometer–Based Intervention on Patients After Total Knee Replacement Surgeries

Mohammad Zaid Darabseh, Mohammad Rawashdeh, Fayeq Darwish.


Background: Non-compliance is considered a major concern that challenges health care providers after total knee replacement (TKR). Noncompliance may lead to increase pain, loss of muscle strength, increase swelling, loss of normal movement and functional limitations. Pedometer was found to increase physical activity compliance in many populations. However, pedometers effect on rehabilitation outcomes in patients after TKR was not examined yet.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of pedometer based intervention on patients’ rehabilitation outcomes following TKR surgeries.
Design: Randomized controlled trial
Materials and methods: 20 TKR patients were randomized into: pedometer group (n=10) and control group (n=10). Both groups received the same rehabilitation program. However, pedometers were given to the pedometer group patients in day 1 after surgery for seven consecutive days. Outcome measurements included: knee range of motion (ROM) and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC).
Results: After seven days, knee flexion ROM and physical function scores were significantly increased and pain score and stiffness was significantly decreased in pedometer group compared with the control group.
Conclusion: Pedometer is a wide spread, cheap, conservative and easily used device that could be used to increase compliance and improve knee outcomes in patients after TKR.

Key words: Keywords: Pedometer, total knee replacement, compliance, range of motion, adherence

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