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Case Report

IJHRS. 2017; 6(1): 25-29

An unusual case of young stroke with dramatic recovery following intensive neurorehabilitation

Nittu Panjikaran, Raja lakshmi, Kurian Zachariah, Nidhi Rawat.


Acute basilar artery occlusion is a neurological emergency which has the highest mortality among all ischemic stroke subtypes. Those which present comatose and have bilateral motor weakness have the worst prognosis. Here, we present a case of “Top-Of-The-Basilar” syndrome in a 34 year old male, who presented in a coma and on recovery of the same, had bilateral motor weakness and global aphasia among other deficits. He was diagnosed to have a complete occlusion of the basilar artery as documented by MR angiogram, but work-up for causes of young stroke came up negative. He was rehabilitated and regained a fair level of functional status. This syndrome is not only seen very rarely among the young, but the level of improvement seen in our patient was exceptional.

Key words: Keywords: Top-of-the-Basilar syndrome, Posterior circulation stroke, young stroke, total basilar artery occlusion

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