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Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sci.. 2017; 25(2): 66-74

Effect of Methanol extract of Musca domestica larva on some Enzymes and Haematological parameters in Trypanosoma brucei brucei - infected rats

Oluwatosin Kudirat Shittu, Bashir Lawal, Kamoru Abdulazeez Adeniyi, Lukma Toyese Kilani, Rukayat Bukola Saka.


This study elucidated the effect of methanol extract of Musca domestica (400mg/kg body weight) on some biomarker enzymes and haematological parameters in Trypanosoma brucei brucei - infected rats. Twenty albino rats were intraperitoneally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei and were grouped into five (5) groups of four (4) rats each. Group1 was set up as infected not treated (0.2ml normal saline/kg body weight), group 2 was treated with diaminazene aceturate (standard), group 3 as prophylactic treated (treatment for 72 hours before inoculation of parasite), group 4 as early treatment with the extract (treatment commenced after the sight of parasite) and group 5 as the control (uninfected untreated) group. Results shows significant (p

Key words: Musca domestica larva, Haematology, Trypanosomiasis, Enzymes, Methanol, Extract.

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