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Sero-prevalence of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) among dogs in VL endemic areas of Mymensingh district, Bangladesh

Ariful Islam, Md Lutfar Rahman, Shariful Islam, Premanondo Debnath, Mahabub Alam, Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan.


Objective: The present study was conducted to determine the sero-prevalence of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) among street and owned dogs at Trishal Upazila of Mymensingh district, Bangladesh.
Material and methods: Blood was collected asceptically from targeted dogs and serum was separated out using standard centrifigation method. The rK39-antigen-based dipstick test was used to detect anti-leishmania antibodies in serum.
Results: The study revealed that 35% of the dogs in the study area were sero-positive for L. donovani. Living status of the dogs (street or owned) was a potential risk factor and sero-prevalence was significantly higher in free roaming street dogs (P=0.009) and dogs with skin lesions and enlarged lymph nodes (P

Key words: Dogs; Leishmania donovani; rk39 test; Visceral leishmaniasis

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