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Correlation between red cell distribution width and grade of hepatic steatosis and liver enzymes in patients with Non-Alcoholic steatohepatitis

Ali Dogan, Narin Yildirim Dogan, Omer Ekinci, Melih Karincaoglu.


Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a marker of chronic inflammation. Hepatic diseases are often associated with several hematological complications; therefore, high levels of RDW are seen in hepatic diseases. Given the fact that factors which cause non-alcoholic steatohepatitis such as inflammation, oxidative stress, free oxygen radicals, and inflammatory cytokines may have a role in the discrepancy in the erythrocyte volume, we aimed to investigate the relationship between RDW and hepatic enzymes and Grade of hepatic steatosis. A total of 120 patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis using abdominal ultrasonography which was performed by a gastroenterology specialist, were included in the study. Biochemical analysis, complete blood count, other blood tests were performed. Spearman’s Rho correlation test was used to analyze the relationship between the parameters and p value was accepted significant if it’s

Key words: Red cell distribution width, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, liver enzymes

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