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Mini Review

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(10): 200-203

A Mini Review on Alphonsea sp. (Annonaceae): Traditional uses, Biological Activities and Phytochemistry.

Yuhanis Mhd Bakri, Munirah Abdul Talip, Saripah Salbiah Syed Abdul Azziz.


The genus Alphonsea belongs to the family Annonaceae, which comprises about 30 species, consisting of small trees and shrubs are distributed in China and Indo-Malayan. In this mini review, we aim to provide an overview of the traditional uses, biological activities and phytochemistry of plants Alphonsea sp. Literature, abstract and full text articles from journals, books, reports and electronic searches as well as from other relevant websites are surveyed, analysed and included in this review. The crude extracts exhibit anticancer, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antitrypanasomal activities. The survey revaled that Alphonsea sp. contain alkaloids, steroids, lignan, sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes.

Key words: Alphonsea, Annonaceae, Biological Activities, Phytochemistry, Bioactive compounds

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