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NMJ. 2017; 6(1): 03-08

Histopathological Audit of breast tissue specimen in a medical college hospital of Bangladesh

Raza AM1,Rahman S2, Nahar M3.


Background:Various types of lesion from inflammation to carcinoma can affect the breast. Some lesions are common in young females while others are more common in elderly age group. Early presentation and prompt diagnosis is essential to relieve anxiety of nonneoplastic conditions, and in case of carcinoma, it can save the patient from metastases. Methods: A Retrospective study was conducted for the period of five years in the Pathology Department of Jahurul Islam Medical College and Hospital. Histopathology samples were received, processed, reported and recorded in the Pathology laboratory. Data analysed from 2012 to 2016. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data. Results: 228 samples of breast tissue sent for histopathology were studied. Peak incidence
of benign lesion was inbetween 21-30 years and malignant lesions in between 31-50 years. No breast lesions were seen in the first decadeof life. Cancer of the breast was seen in 12.28% of cases. Fibroadenoma and fibrocystic disease were the commonest benign lesions and infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the commonest malignant lesion. Conclusion: Majority of the breast lumps are benign either fibroadenoma or fibrocystic disease. Benign lesions were common in second to fourth decade and malignancy in fourth and fifth decades.

Key words: Keywords: Breast lump, Carcinoma, Fibroadenoma, Biopsy.

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