Original Article |
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Male Breast Cancer - A two years experience in
a Rural Regional Cancer CentreDr. H. Muthukrishnan1, Dr. D. Jayakumar2, Dr. M. Alli3, Dr. S. Karnan Srinivas4,
P. Sivagami5. Abstract | | | | Male Breast Cancer is(MBC) an uncommon Cancer, occurring in elderly individuals, in advanced stage and associated with poor prognosis. A total of 10 male breast cancer patients were managed in our centre in a two year period between 2014 &2015.There were 3686 cancer
patients treated during the same period (table 1) Out of which 505 cancer breast patients. Which includes male breast cancer.Our study is a retrospective one to know the epidemiology. staging and outcome of treatment in our hospital. There were 6 male breast cancer patients in 2014 & 4 in 2015 (total-10). There were two patients with right breast cancer and eight patientsleft breast cancer. All patients presented with advanced disease (stage III-8 & stage IV-2).They were treated with chemotherapy and for one palliative surgery was done on follow up after one year there were three patients alive, four patients dead and three patients could notbe contacted.
Key words: Male breast cancer, Modified radical mastectomy, Hospital based cancer registry