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Case Report

NMJ. 2017; 6(1): 40-45

Reversible complication of Thyroid storm as a cerebral venous Thrombosis - A Case Report

Sai Sampathkumar Natuva1, Sangamithra Gandra2, Vallampalli Ganesh3, P.N.R. Prasad4.


Thyroid storm causing central venous thrombosis is extremely rare.Herewith we report a case of 35 year old man who presented with sudden onset of central venous thrombosis with goiter and Thyroid storm.He showed improvement with anti thyroid drugs and anti coagulants.We conclude that it is a case of central venous thrombosis (CVT) secondary to transient hyper coaguble state due to thyrotoxicosis.After 6 weeks during follow up Factor VIII activity was normalised.We consider reversible complication of Thyroid storm as a causeof cerebral venous thrombosis is unique ,hence reported.

Key words: Thyroid storm,Central Venous Thrombosis, Prothrombotic state

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