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Case Report

NMJ. 2017; 6(1): 46-49

Pure Mucinous Carcinoma of Breast - A Rare Case Report

Shanthi Vissa1, Bhavana Grandhi2, Nandan Mohanrao3, Byna Shyam Sunder Rao4.


Mucinous carcinoma is a type of ductal carcinoma with a low malignant potential. These tumors account for 2% of the breast carcinomas. These neoplasms are characterized by tumor cells floating in the pools of mucin. The prognosis of pure mucinous carcinoma is favourable when compared to the invasive ductal carcinoma, not otherwise specified. We report a case of 80years female patient presenting with right breast lump, which was diagnosed oncytology as mucinous carcinoma. Further on histopathology the diagnosis was confirmed

Key words: Mucinous, breast carcinoma, low malignant potential.

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