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Case Report

NMJ. 2017; 6(1): 50-53

Choledochal cyst with Anamolous Pancreato Biliary Junction(APBJ) - Case report

Dr C Praneeth Reddy1, Dr Bharath Kumar D2, Dr. Premananda Pattanaik3, Dr. Thirunavukkarasu Sampath4, Dr. Muni Krishna S5, Dr Varun P6.


Anamalous union of Pancrato Biliary duct( APBD)has been regarded to be the etiological factor for choledochal cyst .A 27 year old lady who presented with pain abdomen and vomiting was found to have Type IV A choledochal cyst with APBD which was diagnosed by Magnetic
Resonance cholangio Pancreatography(MRCP).She was successfully treated by exicision of the cyst with Roux-en Y hepatico- jejunostomy. Classification of Choledochal cysts and APBJ,possible diagnostic modalities with treatment were discussed

Key words: Choledochal Cyst, APBJ, Pancreatic duct anomalies, Hepatico Jejunostomy

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