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Comparison of Ionic Liquid-Microwave-Assisted Extraction and MAE of Resveratrol from Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) Seeds

Maesya Rachmawati, Imalia Nurrachma Ayuningtyas, S. Sutriyo, Abdul Mun’im.


Purpose: This study investigated effect of [Bmim]Br microwave assisted extraction (MAE), and MAE methods using ethanol on trans-resveratrol extraction from Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) seeds.
Methods: The three-level response surface methodology were used to optimize extraction conditions for trans-resveratrol content from Melinjo seeds using MAE method and IL-MAE. Resveratrol content was determined using HPLC, and antioxidant activity was examined by DPPH assay.
Results: Compared to the MAE-ethanol method, then the optimum result of IL-MAE was reached with [Bmim]Br concentration 2.5 mol/L; microwave power 10%; and extraction time 10 min with the trans-resveratrol value 0.52 mg/g. The antioxidant activity value of IL-MAE melinjo seed extract was in 82.82% of DPPH inhibition.
Conclusion: This IL-MAE method was suitable to apply as an alternative technique to extract the active compound from the plant.

Key words: microwave assisted extraction; melinjo; trans-resveratrol; Gnetum gnemon; ionic liquid

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