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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(4): 494-496

A rare co-occurrence of facial talon’s cusp on fused maxillary permanent central and lateral incisor

Devika S Pillai, Subhas G Babu, Renita Lorina Castelino, Sachin Ram G, Supriya Bhat, Kumuda Rao.

Cited by 1 Articles

Fusion is a developmental anomaly of dental hard tissues characterised by the union of two adjacent teeth. It can be complete or
incomplete and commonly seen in deciduous than in the permanent dentition with higher frequency in anterior maxillary regions.
Talon’s cusp is an unusual cuspal projection from the lingual aspect of the tooth with normal enamel and dentin and varying degree
of pulp tissue. It commonly affects the permanent maxillary lateral incisors followed by central incisors and canines. Talon cusp
is mostly found on the lingual aspect of teeth and rarely it projects from the facial aspect. We hereby report a case of fusion of
permanent left central and lateral incisor with facial talon cusp which is rarely reported.

Key words: Facial; Fusion; Talon; Cusp.

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