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J Res Educ Indian Med . 2017; 23(1-2): 38-38

National Seminar on Dravyaguna (Anuktadravya Vivechana) - 2017 (Exploring Unexplored Drugs)

Prof. Rabinarayan Acharya, HOD Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT & R A, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, Gujarat.


There are various simple drugs regularly used in traditional practices since years but they are neither not recorded in any of the classical Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia or Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Such drugs are categorized as “namatah anukta dravya” (extra pharmacopoeial drugs) in API. Now it is high time to include these drugs after proper scientific evaluation to enrich Ayurvedic pharmacopeia.

On the occasion of 62nd foundation day celebrations of IPGT&RA, a two days national seminar on Anuktadravya Vivechana 2017 (exploring unexplored drug)” is being organized by the institute. National seminar will create a platform for all researchers to discuss about those drugs which are in traditional practice since long and but evidence based researches are not carried out on them till now.
Further it will also help to develop a roadmap for inclusion of these drugs in pharmacopoeia

Key words: Medicinal plants, Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia, Unexplored Drugs, Anuktadravya Vivechana

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