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Bosnian Franciscans and the Monasteries in Kresevo and Fojnica as Source of Scientific Bibliography

Armin Skrbo, Izet Masic, Selma Skrbo, Elma Ramakic, Lejla Zunic.


All of these centuries-old records contain enormous treasures, and the modern medicine is increasingly searching for the sources of natural remedies. The Franciscans should be credited for carefully collecting the methods folk treatment and passed them on to future generations. In the words of Br. Marko Karamatić: „The fact that the Friars were engaged in healthcare, that they became the first graduate doctors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that they wrote“ herbal manuals „ and other medical records, is the result of historical opportunities in these areas, and this activity became one of the most important tasks for the Franciscans. They performed their duties regardless of the circumstances.

Key words: Franciscans, Pharmacy books, Bibliography.

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