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Chitinolytic efficacy and secretion of cell wall degrading enzymes from Trichoderma spp. in response to phyto-pathological fungi

Dinesh K. Khatri, Durgesh Nandini Tiwari, Himanshu S. Bariya.

Cited by 27 Articles

Chitinolytic activity and major antifungal enzyme secretion form Trichoderma spp. was studied. Twelve isolates of Trichoderma spp. were obtained from rhizosphere soil sample collected from different location of North Gujarat Region, India. Among 12 isolates, 4 isolates were identified as T. harzianum, 5 isolates were identified as T. viride and remaining 3 isolates were as of T. hamantum. These isolates were identified by using species specific primers amplification by PCR. All identified isolates were screened for chitinase activity using colloidal chitin derived from commercial chitin on the media supplemented with bromocresol purple. According to results of chitinase activity screening assay, T. viride was found to be more potential isolate for chitinase production. From biocontrol assay by using duel culture method, T. viride was found to be more potent antagonist against fungal plant pathogens like A. niger, F. oxysporum and S. rolfsii. T. viride was selected for further study of biocontrol potential and production of cell wall degrading enzymes. T. viride was inoculated in media containing basal media and mycelia of fungal pathogens for cell wall degrading enzyme production. It was found that T. viride secrete three major cell wall degrading enzymes i.e. chitinase, protease and β- Glucanase. Optimum production of all three enzymes was found at 96 hr incubation. Details of antifungal protein secretion are mentioned in this paper.

Key words: Trichoderma, Chitinolytic, Chitinase, Protease, Glucanase, Biocontrol

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