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SETB. 2017; 51(4): 322-8

Intraorbital space-occupying lesions: the evaluation of clinical, radiological and pathological results

Selam Yekta Sendul, Burcu Dirim, Alpaslan Alkan, Cemile Ucgul Atilgan, Adem Yilmaz, Ali Olgun, Semra Tiryaki Demir, Dilek Guven.


Objective: To present clinical findings, radiological and pathologic data of the intraorbital space-occupying lesions (ISOL) treated with surgical intervention

Materials and Methods: The medical records of 81 patients who underwent surgery for ISOL between January 2010 and April 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. The demographical data of the patients, preoperative and postoperative ophthalmologic examination findings and the location of mass radiologically were examined in detail. The surgical approach and surgical technique, peroperative and postoperative complications, histopathological results, the duration of follow-up were recorded.

Results: A total of 81 patients (37 female, 44 male) were included in this study. The mean age was 37.14±23.53 year. Intraorbital Space-Occupying Lesions (ISOLs) were intraconal in 3 patients, extraconal in 71 and both intraconal and extraconal in 7 patients. The lesion was in the form of a non-tumoral mass in 25 patients, while tumoral in 56 patients. Trans-conjunctival orbitotomy approach was performed in ten patients, while the orbitotomy via skin incision was performed in 71 patients.

Conclusions: Intraorbital Space-Occupying Lesions (ISOLs) cause functional and cosmetic important problems according to their localizations. The definitive treatment of these lesions is mostly surgical and full surgical excision may provide permanent healing.

Key words: Extraconal, intraconal, intraorbital mass, orbital tumour

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