Aim: In this study, we aimed to asses the antigen and phenotype frequencies of various blood groups among recipients of erythrocyte
suspensions in Kayseri.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as retrospective, cross sectional and multicenter study. In all, 48750 blood
recipients old typed in terms of the ABO, Rh, MNS, Duffy, Lewis, P, Kell, Lutheran, and Kidd systems were subjected to erythrocyte
phenotyping using a gel centrifugation method within the age group of 18-60 years.
Results: Of the ABO blood group, A was most frequent (44%) followed by O, B, and AB (30.3%, 16.2%, and 6.5%, respectively). The
frequencies of Rh antigens were 88% D-positive and 12% D-negative. Alloantibodies were detected by screening in 196 (0.4%) of
48,750 patients, and decreased in the order anti-E (62%), -C (43%), -D (42%), -C (11%), -c (11%), -e (8%), -M (7%), -Fy a (5%), -Jk a
(5%), -Kp a (4%), -Le a (3%), -Jk b (2%) ,-S (2%), -Le b (1%), and -P (1%). The most frequently detected alloantibodies were anti-E
(31.6%) and -K (21.9%).
Conclusion: Knowledge of the phenotypic frequencies of red blood cell antigens allows the creation of banks of appropriate antigennegative
blood, thus preventing transfusion reactions in patients requiring multiple transfusions or who express alloantibodies.
Key words: Blood Group Systems; Alloantibody; Kayseri; Phenotype Frequency.