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Review Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(10): 190-195

Current Status of H. Pylori Infection Treatment 2017

Bolai Paul, Senthil Adimoolam, Mohd Javed Quereshi, Jafrin Jahan Eva.


H. pylori infection is highly associated with main symptoms and death that are recently affecting 50-75% of the population in the world. But past few yearsÂ’ efforts, H. pylori treatment is more difficult and it is still standing challenges for medical practitioner due to antibiotic resistance and patient compliance, as there are no regimens can achieve the desired eradication rate. In fact, no new drug has been developed for H. pylori only using different mixtures of antibiotics and anti-secretory agents. Nowadays, antibiotics are frequently prescribed for this infection that is declining their effectiveness as a result of which growing antibiotic resistant worldwide. At present, standard therapy has been regarded as the first line treatment of H. pylori in many guidelines, but the eradication rate has decreased to unacceptable levels. Therefore, standard triple therapy is left due to increase in antibiotic resistance consequences low eradication rate. Alternative treatment regimens such as sequential, quadruple, concomitant, and levofloxacin therapies are most recommended eradicating H. pylori compare to triple therapy; one of them levofloxacin therapy is most excellent therapy for eradicating H. pylori infection in antibiotic resistant patients. Herein, this review discussed recent data focusing on diverse eradication regimens so as to emphasize the current H. pylori treatment and the significance of considering the occurrence of antibiotic resistance at a regional level when choosing a suitable therapy.

Key words: Helicobacter pylori, Standard regimen, Sequential regimen, Quadruple regimen, Concomitant regimen, Levofloxacin regimen.

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