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Developing the Medication Reminder Mobile Application “Seeb”

Sakineh Saghaeiannejad-Isfahani, Asghar Ehteshami, Ebtesam Savari, Ali Samimi.


Introduction: Today, the structure of comprehensive health care emphasizes self-care more than therapy. Medication therapy is a strong instrument for therapy received through the health setting, especially in medication area. Error in medication administration has produced different problems and they cost billions of dollars every year. Regarding mobile phone extensions, we developed a local medication reminder mobile application called “Seeb” as a suitable solution for decreasing medication errors for Iranians. Methods: We conducted a mixed methods study in three Phases: 1) Comparative study of existing mobile applications; 2) developed its object-oriented model; 3) Developed the initial version of “Seeb” that was approved for production. Results: This application was designed for the appropriate medication administration including time and dosages through: recording patient and medication data; scheduling patients’ medication; and reporting medication administration on progress. Conclusion: “Seeb” has been designed in compliance with Iranian health information technologists and pharmacists requirements. It is expected to reduce medication error and improve patient adherence to medical prescriptions.

Key words: Medication Reminder, Mobile Application, Medication Errors.

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