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Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for Acid-base Balance Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendation

Mensur Mandzuka, Edin Begic, Dusanka Boskovic, Zijo Begic, Izet Masic.


Introduction: This paper presents mobile application implementing a decision support system for acid-base disorder diagnosis and treatment recommendation.Material and methods: The application was developed using the official integrated development environment for the Android platform (to maximize availability and minimize investments in specialized hardware) called Android Studio. Results: The application identifies disorder, based on the blood gas analysis, evaluates whether the disorder has been compensated, and based on additional input related to electrolyte imbalance, provides recommendations for treatment. Conclusion: The application is a tool in the hands of the user, which provides assistance during acid-base disorders treatment. The application will assist the physician in clinical practice and is focused on the treatment in intensive care.

Key words: clinical decision support systems, acid-base disorder diagnosis, acid-base disorder treatment.

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