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Evaluation of prescribing medication errors in a pediatric outpatient pharmacy

Khalid Alsulaiman, Majed Aljeraisy, Shmeylan Alharbi, Ibrahim Alsulaihim, Maha Almolaiki, Maha Alammari.

Cited by 7 Articles

Background: The use of medication is a complex process and the health-care providers discovered more problems facing this process at different many stages including prescriber, pharmacists, and finally patients. It is expected that the rate of errors in prescriptions will be higher for pediatrics compared with other population due to multiple factors (e.g., medications dosing, pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics).

Objective: To evaluate the pattern of medication prescribing errors in the pediatric outpatient clinics and assess the type of prescribing errors. In addition, to evaluate the most prevalent type of medication category that is associated with prescribing errors.

Materials and Methods: In our study, all outpatient prescriptions that were processed and dispensed for pediatric patients (

Key words: Pediatric, Medication Errors; Pediatric Outpatient; Prescribing Errors; Saudi Arabia

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