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Prof Jana Zvarova, PhD (1943–2017)

Izet Masic.


On July 5th passed away academician professor Jana Zvarova, one of pioneers and one of most influential Medical informatics scientist and expert in Europe and in the world. Professor Jana Zvarova was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. After graduating in mathematics in 1965 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague she has been working with several faculties of Charles University in Prague. She completed external doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Albert Perez, member of IFIP. He brought her attention to the field of Medical informatics and opened the contacts with founders of IMIA. Jana Zvárová founded the Medical informatics section of the Czech Society of biomedical engineering and Medical informatics in the year 1978. The same year, she received Ph.D. scientific degree at Charles University in Prague. She passed the habilitation at Charles University in 1991 and she was nominated by the president of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel as Full Professor at Charles University in Prague in 1999. She reached the highest Czech scientific degree, Doctor of Sciences in 1999 at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Key words: Jana Zvarova

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