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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(10): 138-143

Induction of Apoptosis and Phase-Cell Cycle Inhibition of G0-G1, S, G2-M of T47D Breast Cancer Cells on Treatment with Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Jackfruit Parasite Leaves (Macrosolen cochinensis)

Roihatul Mutiah, Christyaji Indradmojo, Hardiyanti Helda Dwi, Tias Pramesti Griana, Anik Listyana, Ria Ramdhani.


Macrosolen cochinensis is one of parasite types that grows in Indonesia and is empirically known to have anticancer activity. This study aims to explain the anticancer activity of the extracts and fractions of jackfruit mistletoe leaves and describe the cell cycle inhibition and induction of apoptosis on T47D breast cancer cell line. The jackfruit mistletoe is extracted using the maceration method. The extract is then separated by liquid-liquid partition method with n -hexan, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and water solvent. MTT method is used to determine the anticancer activity of crude extract and fractions. Cell cycle inhibition test is conducted using flow cytometry with PI marker. The induction of apoptosis is determined by flow cytometry method using PI-Annexin V and PI double staining acridine orange-ethidium bromide. The results indicated that the IC 50 value of the ethanol extract, chloroform fractions and ethyl acetate fractions of jackfruit mistletoe leaves showed a higher anticancer activity with IC 50 which respectively are 362.8, 356.8, 314.8μg/ml. The treatment of n -hexan and water fraction show no signs of anticancer activity because it has a great value of IC 50 which are respectively 926.0 and 2243 μg/ml. Cell death caused by treatment of ethyl acetate fraction of jackfruit mistletoe leaf (Macrosolen cochinensis) is due to the induction of cell apoptosis and cell cycle inhibition in G0-G1, S and G2-M phase.

Key words: Jackfruit mistletoe leaf (Macrosolen cochinensis), T47D breast cancer, apoptosis, cell cycle.

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