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Study to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice about acute respiratory infections among school going children and their parents in rural Maharashtra

Anirudha Vijay Mutalik, Vaishali V Raje.

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Background: More than 12 million children die every year due to acute respiratory illness in developing countries die before they reach their fifth birthday, many during the 1st year of life. Among all illnesses of childhood, acute respiratory tract infections, malnutrition, and diarrheal diseases are the principal causes of morbidity and mortality in the developing countries. A significant determinant of child health is the attitude and knowledge of the child’s mother toward these diseases. Mother is the main caregiver for the child in almost all societies. Hence, the knowledge, attitude, and health practices of the mothers directly imply on the health status and survival of the child.

Objectives: To find out the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) toward acute respiratory diseases among school going children and their parents.

Materials and Methods: A restructured and pretested questionnaires were used to assess the KAP of children’s at school and their mothers at home. A scoring system was developed and was compared among children’s and their mothers.

Results: More than half of children had average knowledge, but attitude and practice regarding diarrheal diseases were found very poor. Overall, KAP score was also between poor and average whereas mothers were having very poor KAP about acute respiratory infection.

Conclusion: A major determinant of child health is the health and knowledge of the child’s mother. Hence by improving the knowledge, attitude and health practices of the mothers regarding acute respiratory illness directly reflects on the health and vitality of the child.

Key words: Acute Respiratory Infection; Attitude Knowledge; Mothers; Practice

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