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Int J One Health. 2017; 3(2): -

Mingling of human and veterinary strains of Staphylococcus aureus: an emerging issue in health care systems

Sara Giordana Rimoldi, Annamaria Di Gregorio, Vittorio Sala, Eleonora De Faveri, Cristina Pagani, Pietro Olivieri, Claudio Savi, Anna Lisa Ridolfo, Carlo Antona, Maria Rita Gismondo.


Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has remained a leading cause of hospital and community infections. We report a retrospective molecular characterization of S. aureus strains from different settings: hospital workers and patients, veterinarian surgeons, and pets.
Methods: Eighty-nine isolates positive for S. aureus [9 pets, 53 veterinarians, 10 patients and 17 healthcare workers (HCWs)], were investigated. Repetitive extragenic palindromic polymerase chain reaction (Rep PCR) and whole-genome sequencing were performed in 89 strains collected from patients and 27 HCWs, pets and 62 veterinarians.
Results: Thirteen different sequence types (STs) were detected: ST398, ST22, ST8, ST30, ST15, ST5, ST121, ST45, ST10, ST6, ST34, ST97 and ST1. Two new STs differing from ST22 and ST5 for a single multilocus sequence typing gene were also identified. Rep PCR documented a relationship in pattern for 5 veterinarians and 10 HCWs.
Conclusion: The diversity of isolates detected may reflect a larger epidemiology within the hospital and community, in which companion animals have a reservoir role. ST5, ST8, ST15, ST22, ST30, ST45 and ST121 were reported in an Italian hospital. Starting from the idea of a unique setting where our population lives, we consider the relationship between community- and hospital-acquired S. aureus.

Key words: S. aureus, multilocus sequence typing, single nucleotide polymorphims, pets, veterinarians , healthcare workers

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