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Correlation between fluorosis and dental caries in endemic areas of Wardha district

Samiksha Dilip Patil, Rahul R Bhowate, Shivlal M Rawlani, Monika Khubchandani, Sudhir Rawlani.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: Endemic fluorosis resulting from high fluoride concentration in groundwater is a major public health problem in India.

Objectives: This study was carried out to measure and compare the prevalence of dental fluorosis and dental caries in the population residing in the high and normal level of fluoride in their drinking water in Wardha district, Maharashtra, India.

Materials and Methods: The Institutional Ethical Approval for the study was obtained before starting the study. Written consent was obtained from the principal of the school and parents of students for the dental evaluation. This is a cross-sectional study for 2 months at two different endemic fluorosis areas of Wardha district for the evaluation of prevalence of dental fluorosis and dental caries in school-going children.

Results: Level of fluoride in drinking water at two different was 1.9 ppm and 2.5 ppm, respectively. All the students were examine for dental fluorosis and dental caries, and the data were collected and tabulated for analysis.

Conclusion: In present study, 1100 school-going children were studied. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in the study population was 20.09%, and the prevalence of dental caries was 26.4%. The severity of dental fluorosis increased and prevalence of dental caries decreased with increasing the fluoride level in drinking water.

Key words: Drinking Water Endemic Fluorosis; Dental Caries; Dental Fluorosis

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