Introduction: Hydatidiform moles (HM), presenting as complete (CHM) and partial (PHM) form, are rare pregnancy disorder. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation, ultrasound imaging findings and pathological examination of products of conception. Protein p57, encoded by CKDN1C gene, is paternally imprinted and maternally expressed gene and provides quick insight in genetic basis of HM and allows distinction of CHM from all other conceptions. compare the preevacuational and pathohistological diagnosis with outcome of p57 immunostaining. Material and methods: All cases of HM diagnosed between January 2011 and December 2015 were included in this research. Maternal age, gestational age and input diagnosis data were recored. p57 immunostaining was performed in order to evaluate the diagnosis based on tissue slides examination. Results: There were 198 cases of histologically confirmed HM, 185 PHM, 12 CHM and one case of undefined HM. Mean maternal age in the CHM group was 24,7 and in the PHM group 26,9 years, with no significant differences among these two groups (p=0,27). For CHM mean gestational age was estimated at eight and for PHM 9,2 gestational weeks. Pregnant woman older than 40 years present significant earlier compared with younger woman (p
Key words: hydatidiform mole, ultrasound finding, p57 immunostaining.