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Case Report

BMB. 2017; 2(3): 67-70

Approach to the occluded permanent hemodialysis catheter

Kerem Erkalp, Mehmet Salih Sevdi, Serdar Demirgan, Melike Cagatay.


Objective: Central venous catheterization (CVC) is a type of surgery that hemodialysis (HD) patients frequently undergo. Presently, permanent CVCs (pCVCs) are the alternative to vascular access for patients requiring long-term catheterization. Additionally, identification of the type of catheter has a great importance for the right intervention.
Our study aims: The aim was to discuss the identification procedure of an HD catheter, whether it is permanent or temporary, by presenting an HD catheter case done by CVC.
Case presentation: A 75-year-old female patient having a routine of 3 days/week HD treatment was admitted to the critical care unit. A nonfunctional HD catheter was present in the left subclavian vein. A new HD catheter was placed in the right subclavian vein and continuous renal replacement therapy with heparin was initiated. Radiography revealed an opacity with a size of around 3 cm detected at the tip of the nonfunctional catheter. The catheter was removed with an incision after an unsuccessful attempt of removal by pulling it out. Further investigation of the catheter revealed that it was occluded.
Conclusion: It is crucial to determine whether the catheter is temporary or permanent in order to do the right intervention and not to have unwanted consequences while
removing a nonfunctional HD catheter.

Key words: kidney failure, hemodialysis, catheter obstruction

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