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Int J One Health. 2017; 3(2): -

Organizational leadership perspectives in implementation of the One Health Approach: A case of the Zoonotic Disease Unit and core OH implementers in Kenya

Thomas Manyibe Nyariki, Mathew Muturi, Athman Mwatondo, Michael Cheruiyot, Harry Oyas, Vincent Obanda, Francis Gakuya, Mbabu Murithi.


Aim: This study examined organizational leadership as a cross-sectoral collaboration factor in implementation of the One Health approach using Kenya’s Zoonotic Disease Unit (ZDU) and its core OH implementers as an example.

Materials and Method: The study used a mixed methods research design. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 71 respondents and key informants were interviewed using an interview guide. Seven key informants and 53/71 (74%) of the respondents participated in the study. Data was checked for consistency, coded, entered into the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and analysed using descriptive and correlational statistics. Interview data was transcribed and analysed thematically.

Results: From the analysis, 41/53 (77.2%) of the respondents were senior personnel, 51/53 (85%) of them had worked for five years and above in their organizations and 38/53 (71.7%) had at least a Master’s degree. The study established that although most leaders in the organizations had embraced the OH approach, they were not actively involved in its implementation due to constraints such as inadequate funding. There were moderate and statistically significant positive correlations between participation in leadership roles in implementing the OH approach and the level of awareness (Rs (51) = 0.54, p

Key words: One Health approach, cross-sectoral collaboration, organizational leadership, sensitization

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