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Simple visual reaction time in sickle cell disease patients of pediatric age group

Arunita Jagzape, Tushar Jagzape, Vijay Deshpande.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: Reaction time (RT) test can be simple or choice or recognition type. RT test has been widely used in literature, but the changes seen, if any is not documented in pediatric age group of sickle cell patients.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to record changes in visual RT (VRT) in sickle cell patients of pediatric age group as compared to controls.

Materials and Methods: The study was a cross-sectional analytic study with a comparative group. The study group consisted of sickle cell patients of pediatric age group. Simple RT was measured. Unpaired t-test-two tailed was used to find the difference if any. Cohen’d was also calculated.

Results: There was a statistically significant difference between cases and comparative group. Mean ± standard deviation (SD) of controls was 0.58 ± 0.12, whereas mean of ± SD of cases was 0.85 ± 0.30. Cohen’s d was 1.16.

Conclusion: There was a statistically significant difference between cases and controls depicting that simple VRT test is prolonged in sickle cell disease patients of pediatric age group of this study.

Key words: Sickle Cell Disease; Simple Visual Reaction Time; Cohen’s d

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