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BMB. 2017; 2(4): 82-87

The sufficiency of assistant and intern doctors’ knowledge about basic and advanced life support: a survey study

Serkan Kockanat, Sevki Hakan Eren, Behcet Al.


Objective: We aimed to evaluate the level of assistant and intern doctors’ knowledge about basic and advanced life support.

Material and Methods: In this study, the current knowledge of 357 assistant and intern doctors at the hospital of Cumhuriyet University was reviewed via a questionnaire of 40 questions about basic and advanced life support. The participants' consent was received before administering the questionnaire. The findings were reported in figures and percentages. While the Kruskal-Wallis Variance analysis test was used for statistical calculations, the chi-square test was used for statistical comparisons. p

Key words: life, resuscitation, support

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