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Contraceptive use: Its prevalence, awareness, practices and determinants in a rural population of Northern India

Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Parveen Singh, Riya Gupta, Najma Akhtar, Chandini Gupta, Pawan Sharma.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Despite decades of formulating and implementing the National Family Welfare Programme, India, has still not attained the desired level of contraception usage.

Objective: The present study aimed to assess the contraception awareness, practices and its determinants among rural eligible couples in Jammu district.

Material and Methods: The present cross-sectional and observational study was conducted among 270 eligible couples in three villages of Kot Bhalwal block which were selected randomly.

Results: Three-fifth of the study population were young adults in 20-29 years age group residing in nuclear families with only

Key words: Contraception; Awareness; Practices; Eligible Couples

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