Tooth wear is one of the frequent oral problems encountered worldwide at any age 1-4 and one of the most common complains for seeking dental treatment in last 20 years 2, 5.6. Patient with tooth wear reported to dentist with the chief complain of sensitivity 5 mainly due to multiple risk factors 7. Tooth wear is found in 80% of children, 43% in adult population and in old age due to multiple co-morbids 7, 8. Tooth wear is a broad term expressed by tearing of the hard tooth substance caused by friction of occlusal tooth surfaces by opposing teeth during non-masticatory and masticatory movements, in absence of any trauma or dental caries. Multiple mechanisms involved in this process of tooth wear like attrition, abrasion and erosion 9, 11. Physiological friction caused by tooth to tooth contact results in tearing of dental hard tissues in absence of any foreign element is known as attrition like clenching 10,11. Pathological friction of dental hard substance caused by the involvement of foreign element results in abnormal mechanical tearing of tooth structure which is frequently introduced into oral cavity and come in contact with tooth structure is known as abrasion like tooth brushing. By frequent introduction of chemicals into the oral cavity results in demineralization of enamel and dentine with the help of non bacterial acid from stomach or from diet, this process of tooth wear is known as erosion 11. Mechanical loss of tooth structure around the gingival margin (cervical areas) caused by stress concentration but non carious loss of tooth structure is known as Abfraction. All these multiple type of tooth wearing processes may found separately or at times collectively in a single case 12. The aim of the study was to investigate prevalence of anterior and posterior tooth wear among different age groups of patients and among different sociall classification of participants reported to BUMDC. The secondary objectives of this study were to find out the impact of oral habits on tooth wear and to find out the association of tooth wear with Gastro Intestinal Tract diseases. The outcome of this study would be beneficial for health care personnel especially physicians and dentists to incorporate preventive strategies while treating the patients with the complain of tooth sensitivity by addressing the risk factors.
Authors: Kiran Fatima Mehboob Ali, Arsalan Khalid, Mushtaq Ahmed Memon, Wahab Buksh Qadri
Key words: Abrasion, attrition, erosion, Oral Habits, tooth wear.