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Case Report

BMB. 2017; 2(3): 75-77

Endoscopic cystolithotripsy for a giant stone in the orthotopic neobladder: a case report

Mustafa Erkoc, Alper Otunctemur, Erkan Merder, Huseyin Besiroglu.


Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion is an excellent treatment option for invasive bladder cancer. Ileal conduit and orthotopic neobladder have been applied as the most frequent urinary diversion methods for many years. Stone formation is a rare complication in the ortotopic neobladder. In the case presented, a 67-year-old-man who had undergone radical cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder reconstruction ten years ago with no complaints in the following five years presented with fever, dysuria, and urinary frequency. We detected a 10.8 cm stone in the neobladder, and the giant stone was fragmented by endoscopic cystolithotripsy via transurethral approach. Complete stone clearance was achieved.

Key words: bladder stone, invasive bladder cancer, orthotopic neobladder

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