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J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(1): 5-11

Efficacy of Nirgundi Taila application in the management of Sandhigatavata (Osteoarthritis)- An open labelled single arm clinical trial

Dhaval Dholakiya*, Mandip G Kaur, Hari Mohan Chandola.


BACKGROUND: Proper functioning of locomotor system is essential for movement of body parts at different level in order to meet and sustain daily life activities. During Jaraavastha (old age) due to wear and tear phenomenon of joint ligaments and muscles, the frequency of osteoarthritis is pronounced. Osteoarthritis may be regarded as a reward of longevity, which can be equated to Sandhigatavata described in Ayurveda which is a silent enemy of the physical ability of humanity. The diseases is produced by morbid Vatadosha, which takes shelter in the Sandhi (joint) and the affected Sandhi resembles a bag filled with air resulting in Shotha (oedema) with difficult and painful flexion and extension. Ayurveda defines Chikitsa (treatment) as ‘Samprapti Vighatana’ (breaking the pathogenesis), hence in the present instance the treatment is aimed at breaking the pathology which causes morbidity of Vatadosha. AIMS: To assess the efficacy of Nirgundi Taila in Sandhigatavata. MATERIALS & METHODS: In the present study 21 patients aged between 40 to 80 years, irrespective of their sex and socio-economical status fulfilling inclusion criteria of Sandhigatavata were selected from the OPD of dept. of Kayachikitsa, in I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Patients were treated with external application of Nirgundi Taila on affected joints for 20 minutes twice a day for 60 days. RESULTS: After the course of therapy for 2 months, symptomatic improvement was observed in Joint pain, Swelling, Range of joint movements, Walking and Climbing tests. CONCLUSION: Sandhigatavata is a multi-factorial chronic progressive degenerative disease that directly hampers individual’s quality of life. Overall effect of therapy suggests that Nirgundi Taila locally provided mild improvement in maximum subjects.

Key words: Jaravastha, Nirgundi taila, Osteoarthritis, Sandhigatavata, Vatavyadhi

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