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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(1): 18-22

Histological validation of Pleeha (Spleen) as one of the Mulasthana (Origin) of Rakta Vaha Srotas (Circulatory System)

Gaurav Soni*, Neelam.


Living physical body is comprised of numerous channels intended as an internal transport system for divergent functions (Srotomayam hi Shariram). Yakrit (liver) and Pleeha (spleen) are described as the Mulasthana (origin) of Rakta Vaha Srotas which play significant role in the formation and obliteration of Rakta Dhatu. AIM: The present review study is based on concepts of Srotas especially Rakta Vaha Srotas and intends to interpret their role, Mulasthana and analyze them with the help of current scientific knowledge specially histology. MATERIALS & METHODS: Brihattrayee (the basic three classical books) and other relevant contemporary literature were critically reviewed to dig out the hidden core of Srotas Sharir & their Mulasthana. RESULTS: One can consider Mulasthana on basis of Utpatti (place of production), Sangraha (storage area), Vahana Sthana (conduction area) & Naidanic Drishtikon (in diagnostic purview) likewise inference can be drawn that Pleeha is one of the Mula Sthana of Rakta Vaha Srotas with the help of histological study. CONCLUSION: Even though the concepts of Rakta Vaha Srotas & its Mulasthana i.e. Pleeha is described in Ayurveda dates back to centuries; they are still relevant in the current scientific world provided suitable approach is applied to interpret them.

Key words: Histology, Mulasthana, Pleeha (Spleen), Rakta Vaha Srotas (Circulatory System)

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