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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(1): 23-27

Role of Basti (Medicated Enema) as a therapeutic option in the management of Cancer

Nikhil M Dongarkar*, Kanubhai Roy.


BACKGROUND: Cancer is one such disease which is having multi-factorial and diverse kind of etiopathogenesis. Global incidence and prevalence as well as the newer verities of cancers are up surging tremendously across the globe. In such scenario Ayurveda treatment principles are looking promising considering the diversity of treatments under one head as body purification procedures, popularly known as Panchakarma among which Basti or medicated enema is considered as the best treatment available and having capability to arrest multiple disease pathology. AIM: To review and analyse the role of Basti Chikitsa as an therapeutic option in management of Cancer. MATERIALS & METHODS: Review of classical textual data was gathered from Charaka Samhita and texts of contemporary sciences with related articles published was done to analyse the benefit of Basti on Cancer. RESULTS: Irrespective of developing or developed nation, increase in cancer cases is alarmingly high since last few decades and supposed to be highest in upcoming few decades. Basti is safe among many cancer patients even in terminal stages of cancers and practiced by many Indian Ayurveda physician with good efficacy and safety. Basti have the potential to counteract the cancer pathogenesis in all aspects including symptomatic relief, prevention of complication and recurrence too. CONCLUSION: The efficacy and potency of Basti Chikitsa to deal with cancer based on its action can be demonstrated by the analysis of various classical and modern references.

Key words: Ayurveda, Basti Chikitsa, Cancer, Panchakarma, Therapeutic Option

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