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Original Research

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(1): 15-18


Harsha M R*, Baidyanath Mishra, Chaithra C S.


Background: Herbal cosmetics are gaining a wide popularity in world market mainly due to the concern of consumers with regards to its safety and minimum or nil untoward effects. They are used for variety of reason in almost all the age group. Aim: The present study deals in vitro anti-oxidant assay of the poly-herbal formulation, Pure Mattifying Face Cream. Materials & Methods: Human liver cancer cell line (HepG2) was used as an in vitro model to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the test substance. HepG2 cells were exposed to carbon tetra chloride (CCL ) in order to induce hepatotoxicity. 4 Cells were pre-treated with different concentrations of test substance to assess the antioxidative effects as opposed to control untreated cells. Investigation of cytotoxicity, and markers of oxidative stress (reduced glutathione content) was carried out. Results: The test substance showed low cytotoxicity, on the basis of CTC50 (the cytoxic concentration / dose that kills 50% of cells) value the concentration of the test substance considered for Ant-oxidant activity against HepG2 cell line. The test product showed dose dependent anti-oxidant activity. The test substance showed higher content of glutathione with 16.138 and 13.179 μM of glutathione content per mg of protein against toxicant CCL . Conclusion: The 4 result suggested that the Pure Mattifying Face Cream did possess a positive anti-oxidant activity in HepG2 cell line. Which implies that the cream can be effectively used in oxidative stress due to free radicals damage to skin.

Key words: Anti-Oxidant assay, HepG2 cell line, In vitro study, Pure Mattifying Face Cream

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