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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(3): 75-80

Conceptual Considerations on the Influence of Medhya Rasayana (Nootropic Drugs) in Cardiovascular Health

Vidhya Unnikrishnan*, Karra Nishteswar.


Background: The term 'Hridaya' in Ayurvedic classics has been used to denote an organ which performs the functions of the heart and brain, the same has been justified by few modern researches which suggest that heart and brain are functionally related with each other. Medhya Rasayana are drugs described in Ayurvedic classics which helps to improve higher mental functions. However, these drugs can also be used to influence cardiac health. Aim: The present study is aimed to analyze the influence of Medhya drugs on Hridaya (heart). Materials & Methods: Ayurvedic Samhitas, compendia, Nighantus, journals and various internet publications were consulted to compile the relevant information regarding the concept of Hridaya, Medhya Rasayana drugs and its role in cardiac health. Results: Conceptual analysis with the help of scientific research data suggests that the 12 selected Medhya drugs from Nighantus helps to improve the intelligence and cognition and support the action of these drugs on Hridaya which is the abode of consciousness. Conclusion: Judicial use of Medhya Rasayana drugs definitely have an additional role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Key words: Cardiovascular Health, Hridaya, Medhya Rasayana Drugs

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